Lyon Family

Family of four. Frequently found dancing in the kitchen. Learning to love the Living God and His Word.

"Resolved: I will live for God and if no one else does, I will."

Jonathan Edwards - Resolutions


Prefers a substantial conversation. Recent fountain pen convert. Can't wait for family time.

Favorite Books: The Holiness of God - R. C. Sproul, Pilgrim's Progress - John Bunyan, Keeping the Heart - John Flavel


Conflicted about her dislike of mice while also feeling sorry for them. Never follows a recipe but faithfully follows "The Briefing."

Favorite Books: A Praying Life - Paul Miller, The Hole in our Holiness - Kevin DeYoung, Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte


Toddler going on CEO. Color coordinates her markers while twirling in the most frou-frou dress she can find.

Favorite Books: The Book of Virtues - William Bennett, Tikki Tikki Tembo - Arlene Mosel, The Promise - Jason Helopoulos


A gentleman with chubby cheeks. Has the personality of Winnie the Pooh. Loves snuggles.

Favorite Books: we aren't quite sure yet, but we expect he is a Dickens fan...